Our Nurseries
"Play is the highest form of research" - Albert Einstein
Pembroke Studios
Pembroke Studios is the flagship site of Kidz Kabin and was purpose built in 2011 to serve the local area as a warm and welcoming nursery. It has been hugely successful due to regular reflection on practice and finding new opportunities for innovation.
At the heart of Kidz Kabin Pembroke Studios are strong ties to the local community. Our Pembroke Studios setting was entrusted to stay open during the pandemic to provide access to childcare for key workers. We take children into the baby room from as young as six months and provide continued care until they are ready to go to school. This stability and continuity ensures children are settled and happy at Pembroke Studios with key workers who get to know them well and care for them throughout their developmental stages at such an important time.
At Pembroke Studios we find the balance between play and creative learning experiences for children. We have invested in soft play equipment and musical instruments for indoor and outdoor enjoyment. We regularly take the children on outings to the park and Highgate Woods to ensure they get time outdoors play and explore nature.
Most importantly, we work with you and your family to ensure your Kidz Kabin experience is positive, nurturing and provides the support your family needs.
At Kidz Kabin Fortismere there is a strong focus on outdoor play and physical activity. The nursery is located adjacent to the Creighton Avenue campus of Fortismere School, opposite Coldfall Woods. You’ll find the outdoor space boasts a big wooden climbing structure and slide, a mud kitchen, planting areas, lots of grass for free play and a greengrocer shop for imaginative play. In Spring and Summer the children can use the food the children have grown themselves - some to use in their shop and some to eat.
Fortismere is also the base for the Forest School activities run by Linda Symons, owner of Kidz Kabin. Linda is passionate about connecting with nature and enabling children to explore their natural surroundings outdoors. Forest School activities happen at all our nurseries but Fortismere is where you can find the workshop cabin. With such close access to Coldfall Woods, the activities take place regularly and are enjoyed by all the children at Kidz Kabin, as well as some of their older siblings who attend the Forest School Holiday Camp aimed at children in primary school.
Fortismere takes children from 18 months and we ensure all our activities are tailored to support your toddler in playful learning from then, right through to starting school.
You'll find the warm and caring staff at Fortismere go the extra mile to ensure you and your family are well supported and cared for.
We are always delighted to welcome younger siblings and to see Kidz Kabin leavers coming back for Forest School holiday camps again and again.
Shropshire Hall​
In September 2016 Kidz Kabin opened Shropshire Hall in Wood Green. Shropshire Hall has a rich history as a community building. It was originally a children’s centre so it felt like a natural fit for it to become a nursery next. Kidz Kabin is proud to keep serving people in the local area by providing warm and welcoming, high quality childcare and continuing to reflect our diverse community.
Shropshire Hall offers spacious rooms and wonderful resources in an accessible environment. Your child will develop their English language skills as well as learning words and songs in other languages, to embrace and engage with our multicultural neighbours. We encourage children from all backgrounds to learn about each other and themselves. We pride ourselves on the support we provide for each individual child and have excellent SEND provisions when needed.
At Kidz Kabin Shropshire Hall we will listen to you and to your child. We provide an exciting and stimulating place for children to safely learn and grow, with kind and caring staff who invest in each of them.